Coop Kyushu would like to express their heartfelt condolences to Bob Sinner on the passing of his father, George Sinner. Our deepest sympathy and gratitude to the entire Sinner Bros. and Bresnahan (SB&B) family.
George Sinner passed away on March 9, 2018 at age of 89.
ジョージさんは、ノースダコタ州の上院議員や州知事をつとめ、農産物の研究機関NCI(Northern Crops Institute)の設立、サトウダイコンを使った砂糖工場の育成、低金利融資プログラムの確立などに関わってこられました。
Not only was George a founding member of SB&B, he also served as a senator and governor for the State of North Dakota. In addition, George founded the Northern Crops Institute at the University of North Dakota in Fargo, a sugar-beet processing plant and a low interest rate loan program for farmers.
By understanding George’s achievements, we realize the value of the relationship we has with Bob and the SB&B partners who live the values of George every day.
ジョージさんのポリシー「open and honestly」は、ボブさんの会社であるSB&Bの理念「誠実」「正直」「敬意」「公平」に息づいており、生協組合員のおいしく安心な食卓につながっているのだなと再認識しました。
The philosophy of SB&B food is “Trust…Honesty…Reliability…Commitment” and relies on George’s thoughts of being open and honest to people.