This year, we had many rains and low temperature. Spring planting begins with corn and wheat, followed by soybean planting, but as of May 15, corn planting has only just begun in southern Wisconsin and Minnesota.
In North Dakota, we had heavy rain last night, so we haven’t started planting yet.
As of May 18, the planting season has officially started at SB&B.
We are seeding hard red spring wheat about 2 miles east of our main office building. This picture is our main tillage machine that mixes the soil, kills any germinated weeds and helps provide not only a smooth seedbed, but enough loose soil to cover the seed when it is planted.
事務所の東約2マイルにある畑で硬質春小麦の播種が行われました。 上の写真は、畑の土を混ぜ、発芽した雑草等をつぶして滑らかな苗床にし、植え付け時に種子を覆うのに十分な緩い土壌を作る為の耕運機です。
This is the picture of the soil in my hand. You can see some of the crop residue remaining on the soil from last year. Most of the plant material has already decayed and helps improve the organic matter of the soil.
上の写真は私の手にある土の写真です。去年から残っている残骸を見ることができます。 こういったもののほとんどは、すでに腐敗していて畑の有機物となり土を良質なものにしてくれるのです。
It has been a wet spring, but we had some improved weather to allow the soil to dry enough for us to start planting.
Agriculture is a waiting game against the weather. We are having that time right now.
Next month, I would like to write about the next stage.
Bob ボブ